How to treat prostatitis in men: the most effective drugs

types of pills for the treatment of prostatitis

Treatment of prostatitis in men with drugs is carried out using various drugs. The doctor can prescribe the patient: suppositories, tablets, injections and strengthen vitamin therapy. Inflammation of the prostate gland has a different classification, for this reason the selection of medicines should be carried out by a doctor. The doctor can classify the disease and choose an appropriate therapy.

Indications for drug use

How to cure prostatitis and what needs to be done for it? To get rid of inflammation of the prostate gland, stop the development of the disease and avoid complications, it is necessary to classify it and only then proceed to treatment.

There are several types of prostatitis, classified according to reason. In this case, the therapy of various forms of the disease has its own differences and features.

Classification and therapy:

  1. Treatment of acute prostatitis occurs, as a rule, on an outpatient basis, includes antibiotic therapy (antibiotics) and anti-inflammatory drugs. If the patient has pronounced signs of intoxication, then diuretics are also prescribed.
  2. Non-bacterial type of chronic prostatitis - complex therapy is used, this form of the disease is treated with antibiotics, alpha-blockers (reduce the intensity of symptoms), herbal preparations, anti-inflammatory drugs.
  3. Treatment of chronic prostatitis in men includes the following drugs: antibiotics, alpha-blockers, help reduce swelling of organs, anti-inflammatory drugs, immunostimulants.
  4. Chronic asymptomatic prostatitis - no treatment as such. Prescribe drugs that improve the functioning of the genitourinary system. This type of disease is dangerous as it bears a certain resemblance (in clinical signs) to prostate cancer.

When a man's prostate gland becomes inflamed, specific symptoms occur. Together with the results of analyzes and studies, these signs help the doctor make the correct diagnosis to the patient.

Types and forms of drugs for prostatitis

Prostatitis can be treated with various drugs, but complex therapy is the most effective. This method of treatment includes the following medicines:

what drugs help with prostatitis
  • antibiotics (antibacterial agents that contribute to the death of pathogenic microflora);
  • alpha-blockers (reduce the severity of unpleasant symptoms);
  • bioregulatory peptides (products based on the prostate gland of cattle);
  • hormonal drugs (stop the inflammatory process in the tissues);
  • muscle relaxants (reduce tension in the muscles of the perineum);
  • NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs);
  • antispasmodics (used only if the patient suffers from a pronounced pain syndrome);
  • phytotherapeutic agents (have a diuretic and mild anti-inflammatory effect);
  • vitamins (strengthen the immune system, activate the body's natural protective functions).

Antibiotics for the treatment of prostatitis

Medical treatment of prostatitis cannot be imagined without the use of antibiotics. As an antibiotic therapy, the patient may be prescribed some drugs, which will be prescribed by a specialist.

But prostatitis pills are not only antibiotics, but also other medicines that have a different effect on the human body.

Supplement to antibiotic therapy

The treatment regimen for inflammation of the prostate has its own characteristics. Although antibiotic therapy is essential, the use of other agents is perceived by patients as an adjunct to treatment.

Drugs for the treatment of prostatitis:

  1. NSAID- in case of an inflammatory process in the tissues of the prostate gland. The course of treatment with these drugs can be long-term (up to 10-14 days), depending on the severity of the symptoms.
  2. Hormones. But doctors have special preconceptions about hormones. The effectiveness of these drugs is questioned because it lasts as long as the patient is taking hormones. The main condition for the appointment is the ineffectiveness of traditional therapy with antibiotics and NSAIDs.
  3. groups of drugs for the treatment of prostatitis
  4. Alpha blockers- relaxes the muscles of the urethra and acts in the same way on the sphincter of the bladder. Hence, reducing the intensity of the severity of the symptoms.
  5. Antispasmodics- the main reason for the appointment is severe pain. The most common cause of pain is spasm, so patients are prescribed these drugs.
  6. Muscle relaxants- have a relaxing effect on the muscles of the perineum. With prostatitis, they help reduce unpleasant symptoms. An antibiotic supplement is prescribed.
  7. Bioregulatory peptidesare medicines produced by the prostate gland of cattle. They act as immunostimulants, activate the natural protective functions of the body.
  8. Phytotherapeutic drugs- this concept includes decoctions and infusions of herbs, extracts of useful plants. As well as products based on natural ingredients.


In most cases, preference is given to complexes aimed at stimulating the activity of the human immune system. Also, the doctor may recommend taking medications for men.

You can choose any other complex of vitamins, urologists often attribute those drugs that they work with and about the effectiveness of which they have no doubts.

Medicines to treat prostatitis in men

There are several groups of medicines that are consistently prescribed for the treatment of inflammation of the prostate. The differences affect not only the properties of drugs, but also the form of their release.

The urologist can prescribe to the patient:

  1. Suppositories for prostatitis- or rectal suppositories, are inserted directly into the rectum. The course of treatment varies from 5 to 10 days.
  2. medicines to treat prostatitis in men
  3. Instillationsis ​​a procedure in which antibacterial solutions are injected directly into the urethra to deliver them to the tissues of the inflamed prostate gland. The procedures are performed in a hospital setting to increase the effectiveness of therapy.
  4. Intravenous or intramuscular injections- injections are prescribed if it is necessary to normalize the patient's condition as soon as possible.
  5. Tabletsare antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and even hormonal drugs intended for oral administration. Tablets form the basis of therapy or complement it.
  6. Microclysters- such procedures are not performed in the hospital. But in the context of outpatient treatment, the patient, if he wishes, can resort to such procedures. The basis for microclitteri is a decoction of useful herbs and plants. A kind of popular method of curing the disease.

Medicines for prostatitis are inexpensive and effective

Faced with inflammation of the prostate gland, you can get rid of it without much material cost. Home treatment without hospitalization should also be supervised by a urologist. But to cope with the disease, they use familiar and cheap drugs prescribed by a doctor.

Useful herbal decoctions will also help strengthen the selected therapy, replace expensive medicines based on herbal and plant extracts.

The combined treatment of prostatitis is effective. If the drugs are combined correctly, the patient will feel the effect of taking them after a short period of time. For this reason, such therapy is carried out with the suspicion of prostatitis and the presence of specific symptoms.