Details on methods of preventing prostatitis in men

Prostate massage by appointment of a proctologist - prevention of prostatitis

Prostatitis in men over 40 develops due to many internal and external factors: infection, blood congestion in the small pelvis, insufficient hygiene, lack of sex. Therefore, to prevent the development of inflammation, it is recommended to eliminate the possible causes of the disease.

Development of prostatitis: signs and causes

Inflammation of the prostate develops in men who do not control their health or lead a sedentary lifestyle. The first signs of the disease are a violation of urination. Without timely treatment, problems with potency and testicular dysfunction gradually appear. The patient experiences discomfort during bladder bowel movements, ejaculation and bowel movements.

The main causes of inflammation:

  • Sedentary work, frequent driving, lack of sports.
  • Advanced diseases of the genitourinary system (urethritis, cystitis, pyelonephritis, urolithiasis).
  • Hemorrhoids, frequent constipation.
  • Wrong lifestyle (alcohol abuse, smoking, poor diet).
  • Absence of a permanent sexual partner, promiscuous relationships, abandonment of protection during sex.
  • Incorrect intimate hygiene.
  • Reduced immunity, vitamin deficiency, the presence of other chronic diseases.

Without treatment, the acute form leads to the chronic form. In this case, the therapeutic course can take up to six months. It is necessary to periodically use rectal suppositories, antibiotics, alpha-blockers, vitamins.

Man will also be prescribed a gland massage and special gymnastics. To prevent a long struggle with the disease, it is recommended to follow simple rules of prevention.

Sex for the prevention of prostatitis

The concept of prevention of inflammation of the prostate

Prophylaxis of prostatitis is a complex of measures designed to prevent the development of diseases of the genitourinary system.

If all instructions are followed, a man can protect himself from prostatitis, impotence, urethritis, urolithiasis.

Prophylaxis is necessary for men who have suffered from diseases or have already had an acute form of prostatitis.

If you frequently change sexual partners, visit your urologist regularly, do some spots to detect infection.

Primary and secondary measures

It is recommended to start preventing diseases of the genitourinary system from 25-30 years of age. Cases of inflammation of the prostate gland at a young age are known. The main reason for this is the passion for computer games, bad habits, promiscuity in sexual relations.

Measures to prevent the disease can be divided into the following subgroups:

  1. Primary measures are needed for men who have not had prostatitis but are at risk. Prevention is based on regular exercise, visiting a urologist once a year, and quitting smoking and alcohol.
  2. Secondary measures are intended for men who have had acute prostatitis. It is also necessary to adhere to the rules for preventing the development of inflammation during the period of remission of the chronic form of the disease. It is recommended to regularly massage the prostate, regulate nutrition and improve sexual life.

The prevention of prostatitis helps improve the health of the whole body. Men are advised to play sports, monitor nutrition and establish a daily routine. It is necessary to have a regular sex life, not forgetting about contraception.

Variety of methods to prevent prostatitis

To prevent the development of prostatitis, it is recommended to spend 15-20 minutes a day on your health. Exercise every morning, drink vitamins, eat right, have sex. If a man has strong immunity, then the risk of developing genitourinary diseases is minimal.

The importance of a medical examination

When undergoing a preventive medical examination, a man must be referred for a consultation with a urologist. The doctor must feel the prostate gland, take smears for infections, ask about the nature of urination and ejaculation. An additional ultrasound examination of the prostate may be ordered.

Every fifth man after the age of 40 has changes in the prostate gland during the prophylactic examination. If prostatitis is detected at an early stage, treatment takes 5 to 7 days. It is also recommended to visit a urologist to prevent the development of cancer or adenoma. If you have already had acute prostatitis, it is recommended to visit a urologist 3-4 times in the first 12 months. In addition, 1-2 visits per year will be enough.

Preparations for prevention

To prevent the development of diseases of the genitourinary system, it is recommended to maintain immunity with the help of adequate nutrition and vitamin complexes. If a man has already had prostatitis, homeopathic remedies and dietary supplements should be used to prevent re-inflammation.

You cannot prescribe preventive treatment on your own. Drugs are prescribed only by a urologist after examining the prostate gland and conducting all tests.


Prevention of prostatitis in men includes the use of homeopathic medicines. They are harmless, cheap enough for a person with an average income and have no contraindications. The action of these funds is based on the suppression of primary inflammation, preventing the development of pathology.

Natural remedies for prostatitis contain herbal extracts of aconite, belladonna, juice of the bovine prostate gland. After their use in a man, blood circulation in the pelvic organs increases, production increases and stagnation of prostatic secretion is eliminated.

food supplements

Biological active additives in the form of tablets, suspensions, solutions for enemas, rectal suppositories have proven themselves in the prevention of prostatitis. These funds prevent stagnation of prostate juice and the development of problems with urination, reduce swelling of the gland.

The quality of these products has been confirmed and complies with the international GMP standard.

The prophylactic course of taking capsules or tablets lasts about a month. In the composition of the preparations, in addition to plant extracts, there are vitamins, useful trace elements (zinc, magnesium).


A complex of vitamins for maintaining men's health should contain zinc, selenium, magnesium. To prevent prostatitis, it is recommended to take vitamins A, E, D, C, B6. With the lack of these elements, stagnation of prostate juice occurs, blood circulation in the small pelvis is impaired.

It is not recommended to take medication, drink food supplements, use homeopathy at the same time.

Since many medicines for the prevention of prostatitis contain useful trace elements. In order not to cause hypovitaminosis, it is necessary to take vitamins only as directed by a doctor.


For the prevention of stagnant prostatitis after 40, it is recommended to have a transrectal massage every day for 2-3 minutes or to visit a specialist once a month. In sex shops, prostate massagers are sold, which are easy to use, allow you to carry out the procedure yourself.

If you have already had prostatitis, a course of 8-10 sessions is recommended. They are performed during remission. The purpose of the procedures is to improve blood circulation in the gland, eliminate pathologically accumulated secretions. For hemorrhoids or anal fissures, massage is contraindicated. For the prevention and relief of symptoms of prostatitis, warm baths with turpentine, herbal decoctions and pine needles are used. They are performed before bedtime, the water should be 37-38or. After regular procedures, a general strengthening of immunity, an improvement in blood circulation in the small pelvis and a normalization of sperm production are observed.

Home methods

Prevention of prostatitis in men at home is based on the use of folk recipes. All prostate problems are due to the pooling of blood in the capillaries. The following procedures will help prevent this process:

  • contrast-enhancing shower;
  • pouring cold water;
  • herbal compresses;
  • decoction trays;
  • rectal suppositories with homemade propolis.

It is also very important to protect yourself from stress and nervous stress. Erectile dysfunction in the early stages of prostatitis most often occurs due to self-hypnosis and a fear of not satisfying a woman.

Alternative medicine can prevent and even cure the disease. However, it is recommended that you consult your doctor before using any methods.

Other unconventional ways to maintain prostate health

Prevention of prostatitis is effectively carried out with the help of herbal decoctions, infusions, consumption of fruits and vegetables. It is necessary to pay attention to herbs that have a diuretic, antibacterial, soothing and anti-inflammatory effect.

Prevention and treatment of prostatitis with folk recipes at home:

  1. Ivan tea. Prepare 10 grams of herbs in 500 ml of water, cover the container with infusion for 10-15 minutes, strain. It is recommended to take 1 teaspoon 2 times a day.
  2. Pumpkin. Dried seeds of this vegetable should be taken 25-30 pieces per day.
  3. Products for beekeeping. Honey and propolis have anti-inflammatory and disinfectant properties. Therefore, it is recommended to consume it daily with food or added to drinks.
  4. Walnut. Eat a few grains every day.
  5. Hazel. The bark and the leaves of the hazel are prepared and soaked in water. Drink a glass of ready-made drink every day on an empty stomach.
  6. Aspen. Its young bark is filled with a glass of water or alcohol. After 10 days of infusion, the mixture should be drunk several times a day, one teaspoon.

In addition, men are advised to consume ginger (eat the root, make tea, add to food), plus vegetables. Tea with chamomile and lemon balm is useful for men's health, which has a general strengthening effect on the body.

Preventive nutrition

Problems with the genitourinary system can be triggered by improper diet, excessive consumption of fatty and smoked foods. Therefore, measures to prevent inflammation of the prostate gland include diet. The diet of men over 40 should be dominated by the following foods:

  • fresh fruit and vegetables;
  • blue fish;
  • nuts;
  • lean meat;
  • porridge;
  • green tea.

Eliminate the unhealthy fats found in potato chips and crackers. Do not abuse fast food, alcohol. If you have problems with urination, it is recommended that you drink cranberry juice every day.

Physiotherapy exercises

A man who leads a sedentary lifestyle must pay attention to physiotherapy exercises. Daily exercise will prevent the occurrence of many diseases of the genitourinary system. The main thing is not to pump the muscles, but to increase blood circulation in the small pelvis and strengthen the heart.

Exercise to improve blood circulation in the pelvis

Recommended sports

To prolong men's health, it is necessary to play sports. Any physical activity affects the condition of the prostate gland.

The strong half is recommended to pay attention to the following types:

  • running;
  • walking on foot;
  • rock climbing;
  • tennis, badminton;
  • morning exercises or gymnastics.

Remember a physical education class in childhood and do the following exercises every day to prevent prostatitis: push-ups, squats, leg raises and abductions, birch, walking in place, bicycle. The lesson should last 15-20 minutes a day, each element must be done in several approaches, gradually increasing the load.

Kegel gymnastics

Kegel exercises are designed to maintain a woman's health, especially after childbirth and during menopause. With their help, the muscles of the perineum are strengthened, so it is recommended to use them also for the prevention of prostatitis.

It is necessary to strain the intimate muscle group during the day by lying, standing or sitting. Try to retract the anus and lift the penis at least 200 times. Such training exercises not only improve the condition of the prostate, but also prevent urinary disorders and reduce the risk of developing impotence.

Sex in a man's life

Frequent change of sexual partners or lack of sex affects the development of prostatitis. Also, when communicating, do not forget about precautions. Oral sex can also lead to infectious diseases, as the mouth is a good place for germs to accumulate.

The culture of healthy intimate relationships

To prevent the development of bacterial prostatitis, it is recommended to choose a sexual partner carefully.Bacterial prostatitisThe best protection against sexually transmitted diseases among contraceptives is considered to be a condom.

However, even such measures are unable to fully protect you from sexually transmitted diseases. Therefore, it is advisable to have a permanent partner for a healthy sexual relationship.

In addition to promiscuous sexual intercourse, prolonged abstinence from sex is harmful. For this reason, there is an accumulation of semen and prostate juice. Bacteria can develop in body fluids, causing inflammation of the prostate gland.

Sex is the cheapest and most fun way to prevent prostatitis.

Harm and benefits of masturbation

Lack of sexual intercourse has a detrimental effect on men's health. Stagnation of blood in the prostate can cause an enlarged gland or the appearance of neoplasms. If a man lives without sex for a long time, he needs to masturbate for preventive purposes. To maintain health, 2 times a week is enough.

Urologists and sexologists advise against completely replacing masturbation with sex. As more muscles are involved during intercourse and blood circulates much better.

General Lifestyle Guidelines

If you are sedentary, replenish your daily activity with exercise. Reducing the risk of prostate inflammation requires much more than taking preventive measures, changing daily routines and habits.

Use the following guidelines:

  1. Walk more.
  2. Give up bad habits.
  3. Have sex regularly.
  4. Warm up.
  5. Visit saunas and baths.
  6. In the fall and spring, be sure to wear underwear and knickers.
  7. After using the bathroom and sex, wash yourself.
  8. Eat wisely.
  9. Get some rest.
  10. Don't work too hard, avoid stress.

It is also recommended to promptly treat all diseases, especially those related to the genitourinary system.

An advanced or chronic process in the body leads to a decrease in general immunity.

Rest in the sanatorium resort

During a spa holiday, many activities are carried out to maintain and improve health. Men who are prone to developing prostatitis or who have already had this disease are advised to visit health facilities every year. The following procedures will be helpful:

  • mud, salt or hot baths;
  • topical mud pads;
  • prostate massage;
  • use of mineral waters;
  • The benefits of mineral water for the prevention of prostatitis
  • lfk;
  • walking on foot;
  • climatotherapy.

Specialized sanatoriums have been created in urological problems to prevent and treat inflammation. They diagnose the condition of the prostate.

Depending on the results, man is prescribed a diet, the use of vitamins and medicines.

It is not recommended to use this therapy during relapses (exacerbations) and chronic prostatitis. In this case, physiotherapy can only damage and worsen the condition of the prostate gland.

Dangers of complications of prostatitis

The prostate is believed to be the "second heart of a man", so its dysfunction leads to a number of pathological processes in the body. With inflammation, testosterone production is disrupted, which helps reduce libido.

Lack of treatment or the use of traditional medicine methods without consulting a doctor causes the following complications:

  • erectile dysfunction;
  • complete absence of urination;
  • spread of the inflammatory process to the urethra, bladder, kidneys;
  • decreased libido, impotence;
  • infertility;
  • malignant neoplasms.

With prolonged urination disorder, constant pain and lack of sexual activity, a man develops psychological instability. Get nervous and focused on his problem. It is possible to restore libido and establish a sex life in such conditions only after long-term treatment with a psychotherapist.

Preventing prostatitis is much easier than treating it. Therefore, doctors recommend adhering to the correct lifestyle. Active sports, balanced nutrition and regular sex will help maintain men's health. After 30 years, it is necessary to drink special vitamin complexes, limit alcohol consumption.