Fast and effective treatment of prostatitis: a list of drugs and techniques

Men are not used to running to the doctor when they have the slightest problem. At first they hide their ailments, then they try to cope on their own and when they no longer have the strength to endure they go to the hospital. You should not do this with prostatitis, because the disease progresses and provokes the development of irreversible processes. This is a rather serious disease that can be cured quickly if you see a doctor in time. How to deal with prostatitis and which methods are most effective?

Normal and inflamed prostate

Types of inflammation and causes

What is the prostate? This is a very important organ for any man, it is not for nothing that it is called the second heart. The prostate plays an important role in sexual activity, because it produces a special secret that affects the quality of sperm.

Anatomically, the prostate is located under the bladder, surrounding the urethra, and problems with it can affect normal urination. Therefore, the question of how to get rid of prostatitis interests many.

Inflammation of the prostate is common in men between the ages of 20 and 50. The older the age, the greater the risk. Most types of the disease occur with mild symptoms, they are most often attributed to general malaise and fatigue. Meanwhile, prostate inflammation in men develops and causes more and more damage. In more advanced cases, the formation of malignant tumors and infertility is possible. Therefore, it is important to know how to treat inflammation in the early stages.

At the very beginning of the development of the disease, treatment can be carried out at home, the main thing is that the doctor accurately determines the type of prostatitis and prescribes a course of treatment.After patients recover, relapses are observed in 50% of them, so it is very important to adhere to the general rules and not to forget about preventive measures.

The main types of prostatitis of the prostate in men:

  1. Sharp. It is quite rare, but it develops sharply and sharply. The patient is hospitalized and all therapeutic measures are performed in a hospital setting.
  2. Chronic bacterial. This disease occurs in about 30% of patients. Its insidiousness is that symptoms appear and disappear without any treatment. The patient does not recover, the disease continues to spread and can lead to the formation of stones, purulent foci and even oncology.
  3. Chronic inflammation of the prostate is also known as chronic pelvic pain syndrome. It is accompanied by prolonged pain in the pelvis and is diagnosed by exclusion.
  4. Asymptomatic prostatitis. Men don't even suspect they are ill until they donate urine for analysis during a routine exam. With this type of inflammation in the urine, there is a high content of leukocytes and bacteria.
  5. Chronic granulomatous. It can be caused by drug treatment or by irradiation of the gland. Replacement of glandular tissue with connective tissue is observed, and the prostate itself ceases to function.

There are many reasons for the development of prostate disease in men:

  • violent sexual life or lack thereof;
  • sedentary lifestyle, sedentary work;
  • various sexually transmitted infections;
  • frequent hypothermia;
  • genitourinary infection;
  • glandular trauma;
  • bad habits;
  • overweight;
  • incorrect diet and daily routine;
  • frequent stress;
  • chronic constipation;
  • hormonal disorders.

How can prostatitis be treated? Only by eliminating the cause of the disease. In men with strong immunity, the development of prostatitis is less common.

Treatment for inflammation of the prostate

Absolutely all patients are interested in how to get rid of chronic prostatitis forever and not remember it anymore. At an early stage of the disease, conservative treatment of the prostate is performed. If the size of the gland is significantly enlarged and does not cope with its function, then surgical intervention is possible.

How to treat prostate inflammation in men so that you don't have to go to a surgeon? Indeed, after surgery, the consequences can be more serious, and the rehabilitation period itself will cause a lot of problems. How to treat inflammation with conservative methods?

Therapy consists of drugs, physiotherapy, massage and specific exercises that improve blood flow to the organ. New methods include the introduction of stem cells into the prostate tissue, the use of a laser. But many are wary of such treatment, because it is difficult to trust anything new. Everything is complicated by the fact that this type of therapy is only available for a small number of men due to the high price or the lack of a special treatment center in the place of residence.

Important!Doctors recommend using several methods at the same time. So, for example, electrophoresis and massage increase the permeability of glandular tissue and improve blood circulation, which contributes to faster recovery.

First aid treatments

Acute chronic inflammation of the prostate makes itself felt suddenly, takes a man by surprise. What to do in these cases and what prostatitis medicine can be given to relieve the condition?

Acute prostatitis is treated permanently. Symptoms are pronounced, and you cannot do without the help of doctors.


  1. Acute sensation of a full bladder, which cannot be completely emptied. During attempts to urinate, the patient experiences severe pain.
  2. Most patients have fever, chills and general weakness.
  3. The pain extends to the perineum, lower abdomen, upper thighs and lower back.
  4. Possible pain in the head of the penis.

Only a specialist knows how to treat the prostate with drugs without harm to health, because each drug, along with its benefits, has a number of contraindications.You should not prescribe your treatment and use drugs for a long time.Men with chronic diseases should be treated with extreme caution.

Prostate drugs

How to treat the prostate and what medications do you need? Drug treatment consists of several groups of drugs. Inflammation of the prostate is a serious disease and therefore requires complex therapy. Antibiotics are used to eliminate the bacterial infection.

How to relieve inflammation of the prostate and at the same time relieve pain? Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs will help.

When non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are not enough and there is no improvement, the patient is prescribed to take hormonal drugs for inflammation of the prostate gland.

Alpha blockers are also prescribed.These drugs do not cure the prostate, but they significantly improve the patient's condition. They relax the smooth muscle of the gland and facilitate urination.

Your doctor may also recommend taking antispasmodics to relieve pain. Many urologists also recommend a vitamin complex.


In addition to the main treatment of the prostate, a number of physiotherapeutic procedures are also prescribed. They improve blood circulation in the problem area, lymphatic and blood flow, activate metabolic processes and increase the permeability of cell membranes.


This procedure is prescribed in parallel with the main treatment. The healing properties of magnetotherapy:

  • acceleration of cell renewal;
  • improved blood flow;
  • removal of swelling;
  • reduction of negative symptoms of the disease.

Magnetotherapy is prescribed to patients even with advanced forms of the disease.

Laser therapy

External, point (acupuncture) and intrarectal laser therapy is used to treat inflammation of the prostate in men. When an external doctor acts on the perineal area for 1-2, 5 minutes. With acupuncture, the biologically active points responsible for the prostate gland are targeted. With intrarectal, the laser is inserted through the rectum and acts on the gland. The treatment is designed for 10-12 sessions.


Treatment of prostatitis in men using UHF is carried out in two ways: transverse and longitudinal. Most often, the first type is prescribed, since the electrodes located on different sides of the body affect not only the prostate, but also the closest organs.

After these procedures, we note:

  • phagocytic activity;
  • reduction of inflammatory processes;
  • the cells responsible for connective tissue regeneration are activated;
  • metabolism improves;
  • increases the permeability of fabrics.

Important!UHF is not used in the presence of malignant tumors, as they start to grow faster. Also, the procedure can result in burns or bleeding.

Physiotherapy for prostatitis


During this procedure, the patient is exposed to the affected area by electrical impulses with a chaotic change of frequency or direct current. After several sessions, the spasmodic muscles relax and urination improves. Low frequencies have the mildest effect on the prostate. Each of these procedures has its pros and cons. Do not forget about the contraindications. Therefore, any physiotherapy procedures are performed after the examination and as directed by a doctor.

Prostate massage

How to treat prostatitis in men with massage? It is recommended as an effective way to get rid of congestion in the gland. Also, during the massage, the doctor can palpate the organ, its size and density. Massage helps:

  • restore the patency of the ducts;
  • improves blood circulation in the prostate and muscle tone;
  • the drugs used penetrate the tissues of the organ faster and, as a result, begin to act faster;
  • activates the body's defenses.

It is important for every man to know how prostatitis is treated with this procedure. The first massage session is best done by a doctor. The patient must trust him to be able to relax as much as possible.

This will help you massage with maximum efficiency and minimum pain. Manipulations are performed when the patient is in a knee-elbow position, lying on his side, on his back with the legs apart or standing, legs apart. If the procedure was successful, at least a few drops of the secret should stand out. With stagnant forms of prostatitis, massage helps to quickly cope with the disease.

Traditional methods of treating prostatitis

Folk recipes are not a fast-acting remedy. To speed up the process, it is recommended to complete the main treatment and not replace it. What helps with prostatitis every day and what is the course?

Men with this disorder are advised to drink asparagus juice. If you take at least 500 mg per day, you can soon feel a positive result.

Propolis is no less famous, or rather alcohol tincture or rectal suppositories from it. You can buy them at the pharmacy or from beekeepers. Use twice a day for 21 days. Then you should take a break.

Cinquefoil is also used as a diuretic. Shepherd's purse is also considered an excellent remedy in fighting inflammation of the prostate. The seeds are crushed (15 g), a decoction is prepared for 0, 5 liters of water and used in a spoon 5-6 times a day.

Whatever the man decides to deal with the problem, before starting treatment with folk remedies, it is necessary to be examined and consult a doctor. After all, even the most harmless recipes for prostatitis can cause serious harm to health.

Supplements for prostatitis

Treatment of prostatitis in men is not a new problem. Oriental medicine offers natural preparations and extracts to the stronger sex. Chinese, Thai and Indian manufacturers ensure that the nutrients contained in them are in such quantity that they can easily replace any pharmaceutical preparation. Among food supplements, both a natural antibiotic and an anti-inflammatory agent can be found.

But you shouldn't risk your health, because no clinical studies have been conducted with these drugs. All the beneficial properties indicated in the instructions are confirmed by positive reviews only in advertising brochures.

Important!A food supplement is not a medicine. It can only be used as an adjunct together with the main treatment.

Helps to replenish the body with nutrients, vitamins and microelements. Dietary supplements also activate metabolic processes.

Alternative treatments

The modern person has access to what many people did not know before. Now you can exchange knowledge and secrets of different nations, use their practice for medicinal purposes.


How to get rid of prostatitis with it? Ayurveda is an alternative treatment for male disease. It is based on the correct use of the gifts of nature (herbs and plants), as well as the implementation of special exercises to help find balance. Treatment of prostatitis in men using Ayurveda is based on determining the causes of the development of the disease. This is the only way to get rid of it faster.

Before starting the treatment of the gland according to all the canons of Ayurveda, an imbalance of the doshas (special energy of the body) is determined in a man. Most often, inflammation of the prostate is due to a vata imbalance. Particular attention should be paid to the diet, the use of herbs - guggul, atmagupta, bala and marshmallow. You also need to consume more garlic and onions.



This method is based on the reduction of stress and anxiety in men, which cause muscle spasms in the pelvic area with prostatitis. This method has no contraindications and side effects. It can be used in conjunction with the main treatment.

Meditation does not require special skills or equipment. This method quickly gives positive results, and if you do it as a preventive measure, you can forget about prostatitis for a long time.


How to beat prostatitis with a fine needle? This method is referred to as the placebo method, but it has helped many to get rid of the disease, which means it has a right to exist. The master inserts special needles in biologically active places, which contributes to:

  • improve oxygen metabolism in the prostate;
  • improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs;
  • stimulation of lymphatic outflow;
  • elimination of stagnant processes in the gland.

This treatment of prostatitis in men gives results after 4-6 sessions. There are a number of contraindications, so it is necessary to consult a specialist before starting treatment.


How to treat prostatitis in men with this not the most pleasant method? During the bite, the leech releases a special substance into the man's body - hirudin. Reduces blood clotting, reduces the risk of blood clots. When the worm absorbs blood, the volume of circulating blood decreases, which helps reduce stagnation.

Leeches are applied to special biologically active areas, which help activate the body's defenses. It will take about 10 sessions to reach the goal.

Rehabilitation after prostatitis treatment

When prostatitis has been defeated, a logical question arises: what to do to prevent the disease from recurring? As soon as it becomes easier for a man, he completely forgets all the recommendations of doctors and continues to live as before.

The ideal place for rehabilitation is a specialized sanatorium. A series of treatments are recommended:

  • gym;
  • water aerobics;
  • physiotherapy exercises.

This will help to train all important muscles and to eliminate residual inflamed lesions. You can also use paraffin therapy. Don't forget about the use of prescribed medications and you should put things in order in your sex life. It is recommended to walk more in the fresh air, to rest completely, to review your diet.


Since it is possible to cure prostatitis and it may not recur, it is necessary to take the disease seriously. At the first symptoms, you should consult a doctor, and all men after forty undergo a routine examination by a urologist. Treatment for each type of prostatitis can differ, so don't self-medicate and waste time with questionable procedures and medications. Only a doctor after a thorough and comprehensive examination will be able to prescribe adequate treatment for inflammation of the prostate.