Chronic prostatitis: symptoms and treatment

The symptoms of chronic prostatitis are often mild and treatment is not carried out in the initial stage. However, the problem can be solved if you take it seriously.


Many patients find out what chronic prostatitis is when they visit a doctor for a completely different reason. Meanwhile, this disease is very dangerous and is a long-term inflammatory process that occurs in the prostate gland. If left untreated, serious complications can occur: impotence, infertility, vesiculitis, prostatic cysts, adenomas and prostate cancer.

There are several forms of the disease:

  • acute bacterial prostatitis, caused by the penetration of infectious pathogens into the prostate gland. Characterized by typical pain in the lower abdomen and during urination;

  • chronic bacterial prostatitis, which, together with the clinical picture of the acute form of the pathology, is accompanied by the presence of bacteria and an increase in the level of leukocytes in the urine and prostatic secretions;

  • chronic prostatitis, which is a consequence of a previous bacterial form of the disease with ineffective treatment or its absence;

  • Asymptomatic inflammatory prostatitis, characterized by the absence of symptoms, but manifests itself during laboratory diagnostic methods.

In over 90% of cases it is a chronic non-bacterial, asymptomatic prostatitis, which requires delayed treatment.

It is possible to cure

The diagnosis itself indicates that the disease has been progressing in the body for a long time. It is often difficult for men to consult a doctor for such an urgent matter until the situation becomes critical. Meanwhile, the sooner a man seeks medical help (at the first signs of ill health), the more effective the treatment will be and the higher the chance of completely eliminating the disease. In its advanced form, chronic prostatitis is almost impossible to cure, but with adequate and regular therapy the symptoms will become less pronounced. That is why timely consultation with a doctor is so important.


The disease occurs in men between the ages of 20 and 50 and depends on a number of prerequisites:

  1. Infectious pathogens. They enter the prostate gland in several ways:

    • ascending (along the urethra);

    • descending (through infected urine);

    • lymphogenic (through lymphatic channels);

    • hematogenous (through the blood).

    Examples of pathogenic microflora that cause the bacterial form of prostatitis are staphylococcus, Escherichia coli, enterococcus, Proteus, pathogens of a viral, fungal, parasitic nature, as well as chlamydia, gonococcus, gardnerella and others.

  2. Disruption of normal blood circulation in the pelvic organs. This may be due to a sedentary lifestyle, sedentary work (drivers, office workers) and poor nutrition. As a result, congestion and swelling occur in the tissues of the prostate gland, and incomplete expulsion of secretions from the cavity of the organ is observed. All this leads to partial or complete dysfunction of the gland.

  3. Prolonged sexual abstinence or practice of interrupted sexual intercourse. These actions also cause inflammatory processes in the prostate gland.

  4. Concomitant diseases. These are primarily urological pathologies: cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis, acute untreated prostatitis. However, the cause of chronic prostatitis can also be other diseases: chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, sinusitis, etc.

  5. Frequent and prolonged stay in the cold, in conditions of high ambient temperature or high humidity, constant psycho-emotional stress.


The clinical picture of chronic prostatitis is poorly expressed in the initial stage. A man, as a rule, does not feel any discomfort or does not pay attention to the appearance of signs of the disease if they do not interfere with a normal lifestyle. Over time, the general condition worsens and is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  1. The appearance of pain in the perineum, genitals, groin. The pain can be weak, aching or quite intense during urination, defecation, after sexual intercourse and during ejaculation. Often the pain syndrome spreads to the sacrum, anus, scrotum and testicles.

  2. Disturbances during urination and defecation. In the first case, the process is characterized by frequent, painful urges and burning in the urethra. The presence of thread-like formations in the urine is observed. During defecation, discharge from the urethra is possible, which indicates insufficient tone of the prostate gland.

  3. Sexual function disorders. In men suffering from chronic prostatitis there is a decrease in libido, unstable erection or its absence, pain during and after sexual intercourse, hemospermia and infertility.

  4. Poor sleep, irritability, increased nervousness, fatigue, depression.

  5. Increased body temperature. It can be observed during an exacerbation of the disease and have small deviations from the norm.

Symptoms may not appear all at once, but may be constant.


Diagnostic studies allow you to refute or confirm a presumed diagnosis, determine what type of disease it is and how much it can be cured.

Ultrasound for chronic prostatitis – healthy (left) and inflamed (right) prostate

The main diagnostic procedures are:

  • general urinalysis;

  • analysis of prostatic secretion for the presence/absence of pathogenic microflora, as well as to determine deviations of physiological parameters from normal values (increased number of leukocytes, etc. );

  • bacteriological culture of urine and taking a smear from the urethra;

  • a urine sample in three glasses to determine the area of localization of inflammation;

  • analyzes to identify pathogens of genital tract infections;

  • Ultrasound of the prostate;

  • study of spermogram data, MAR test (for reproductive anomalies);

  • urodynamic and endoscopic tests;

  • determination of prostate specific antigen (PSA).

Treatment of chronic prostatitis

The answer to the question of how to treat chronic prostatitis depends on the severity of the pathology and its type. The disease requires an integrated approach to its elimination or stable relief of symptoms.

Pharmacological treatment

It involves taking drugs from the following groups:

  1. Antibiotics, which are necessarily prescribed when diagnosing a bacterial form of pathology. However, this therapy may also be indicated in chronic non-bacterial prostatitis if a persistent positive effect is observed. Drugs from the groups of penicillins, cephalosporins, tetracyclines, aminoglycosides and fluoroquinolones are taken strictly following the doctor's instructions for at least two weeks.

  2. Antispasmodics that help eliminate painful spasms in the perineum.

  3. Anti-inflammatories, painkillers.

  4. Alpha1-blockers used to reduce hypertonicity of the prostate and normalize motility.

  5. Immunostimulating drugs.

The therapeutic regimen is selected individually based on the characteristics of the diagnosis and intolerance to individual drugs (if any).

Non-pharmacological treatment

In this case, the positive effect of therapy is achieved with physical influence of a different nature on the diseased area. Patients may be prescribed:

  1. Prostate massage. It activates the complete expulsion of secretions from the prostate, improves blood circulation and normalizes the tone of the organ. Massage combined with antibiotics is particularly effective in treating chronic bacterial prostatitis. However, there are contraindications to its use if the patient is diagnosed with:

    • acute bacterial prostatitis;

    • concomitant diseases of the gonads (vesiculitis, cooperitis);

    • the presence of stones in the prostate gland;

    • prostate cyst;

    • BPH;

    • cancer of an organ or suspicion of it;

    • prostate abscess;

    • hemorrhoids, rectal fissures and other disorders.

  2. Electrophoresis. The physiotherapy procedure involves the therapeutic effect on the pathological area with a small electric current (no more than 50 μA). In this way, recovery reactions are stimulated, pain is relieved and blood flow in the gland tissues is optimized. Electrophoresis promotes deep penetration of antibiotics into the structures of the prostate, thus increasing the effectiveness of their action.

  3. Ultrasound. The method is widely used in the treatment of chronic prostatitis, as it has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, restores sexual function and suppresses pain. Prostate tumors are successfully treated with ultrasound.

  4. Ultraphonophoresis is the use of ultrasound therapy together with medications. This method allows drugs to penetrate into the deep layers of the affected organ and act there more effectively.

  5. Magnetotherapy. The physiotherapy procedure has a comprehensive restorative effect on the genitourinary system, improves metabolic processes and neurogeneration.

  6. Laser magnetotherapy. Laser exposure also effectively treats the manifestations of the disease, eliminating the risk of possible complications.

  7. Inductometry is exposure to a high-frequency alternating magnetic field.

  8. Instillations in the urethra, mud therapy, therapeutic enemas, hot baths.

Physiotherapy together with drug treatment allows you to achieve a long-lasting therapeutic effect and, in most cases, completely defeat the disease in the initial stage.


Indicated in cases where it is impossible to help the patient with other methods.

  1. Prostatectomy is the partial or complete removal of the prostate gland while maintaining erectile function.

  2. Transurethral resection (TUR) is an operation to excise or remove overgrown glandular tissue. Prescribed for prostate adenoma or cancer.

  3. Laser surgery. The operation involves removing the tissue of the affected organ using a laser beam. In this case, the blood vessels are "sealed", eliminating bleeding.

  4. Drainage of prostatic abscess. This surgery allows pus to be drawn out of the cavity of the gland using a rubber drain inserted through the perineum or rectum by cutting the skin tissue.

  5. Transurethral incision of the prostate. The operation involves making several cuts in the prostate to relieve the pressure of the affected organ on the urethra and restore urination.

After surgery, the patient requires rehabilitation, the time interval of which, depending on the type of surgery used, varies from 2-3 days to several months.

Folk remedies

Herbal remedies are also effective drugs in the complex therapy of chronic prostatitis. For these purposes, tinctures, decoctions, food mixtures or ointments are used, which include:

  • pumpkin seeds;

  • aspen bark;

  • hazel leaves and bark;

  • chestnut shells;

  • parsley;

  • honey, propolis;

  • Kalanchoe etc.

Regular use of herbal medicine helps to eliminate unpleasant symptoms, restore impaired functions and have a long-term preventive effect.

Chronic prostatitis is a disease that you should pay attention to at its first signs in order to eliminate dangerous complications and treat it in time.